Support the users in a remote location,
as if you were sitting right next to them.

Take control of the remote screen, without taking control of their system. In all security.

Try it for free now

What it does for you?

Co-browsing improves the level of service dramatically. It minimizes users’ frustration and it saves everybody a lot of time. Service agents and remote users are literally on the same page. With one button click, the agents can instantly view and provide personalized guidance.

With the explicit, prior permission of the user, the agent can choose to view only the web page or the agent can view also the other browser tabs or open applications on the customer’s computer. The latter can be convenient and is sometimes necessary for many real-life applications whereby the status of the total screen needs to be visible.

Thousands of secured
video connections every single day

What it enables you to do

Co-browsing enables your agents to support remote users by showing them exactly what they need to do… on their own screen. But without taking control of the desktop they are using. In all security.