Stream Live Video and show it
on your website

It is like your own private TV Station. All you need is a computer and internet access. Fast setup.
No viewer limitations.


What it does for you?

You can reach thousands of viewers in the most captivating and engaging way, live and via your website. The technology is mature and reliable. Live video streaming is the latest and greatest opportunity to engage your audience with real-time video . You capture your live video and your share it in real-time with thousands. It is like your own, private TV broadcast station. Live Video Streaming is very powerful and effective for todays’ Business Communication .

Thousands of secured video connections every single day

What it enables you to do

The service enables you to show your live video content to your targeted audience. On a large scale or on a limited, selective scale. Or broadcast audio-only if that is more appropriate. Take advantage of the professional cloud computing tools : it is simple and all you need is a computer with camera and internet. Our Live Streaming Service is integrated into our extended portfolio of Live Video Chat and Cloud Video Conferencing business solutions. That makes it perfectly suited for targeted mass business communication, narrowcasting, event broadcasting, promotional campaigns, online language interpretation channels, seminars, training, etc.