
To enable you to manage the system and for reporting purposes, the optional module 'The Manager' is made available to you.

All events and activities are logged and registered in the cloud database. The system allows you to download this data ('raw data') in .csv format to import into your spreadsheet (Excel). This will enable you to create tables, graphs and overviews.

In the database of the cloud manager (accessible via 'The Manager') the names, email addresses, mobile numbers and timestamps are stored and processed.


The 'Manager' is used for the following applications:

  • Secured uploads of personal data of the employees (if you opt for the service 'notification' by email and/or SMS)
  • Downloading the .csv data (import into your spreadsheet). This data can be used to create various reports:
    • Statistical overviews (number of visitors and time stamps, waiting times, satisfaction ratings of the visitors, etc.). This is useful information to allow you to continuously improve the efficiency of the reception application and the visitor satisfaction.
    • Track-and-Trace lists : who came into contact with whom, when.
    • Firelist : who has signed it but not signed out yet. This is called the 'firelist' because this list - in case of fire - can be submitted to the fire brigade. We want to emphasize that this list will only be correct if everyone actually registers and signs out (upon arrival and departure). If this registration is not integrated in the access control (i.e. doors/speed gates), then it is not realistic to expect that this list will always be 100% up-to-date and accurate.

Cybersecurity - GDPR

Access to this application is password protected. Only a limited number of people are allowed access. The Teleportel standard recommendation is to allow access only from the 'trust zone'. This means from a predetermined, fixed, public IP address or range (which is 'whitelisted'). The server will then only access that IP address or range. However, if the use of a fixed public IP address is not possible, we propose 2FA (two-step authentication). It is also possible to use the SAML protocol (ADFS) for logging in (and password checking).

The personal data (name, email and mobile number) is stored in the cloud server for 14 days. The data kept in the Registration server, will be limited to time-stamps without actual names of individuals. If however, you choose to keep the data for longer periods of time, we will transfer the data to a server - under your own management - before deleting the data from the registration server. This will allow you – also after months and even years – to create reports with actual names of visitors.