The cloud-based VOS (Video Operating System) AVICCS offers all the necessary features for the Video Contact Center. That includes Profile Management, Routing, Reporting, etc…

The Video Operating System

AVICCSTM (Audio and Video In the Cloud Contact System) is the cloud-based operating system for video Communication contact center operations. This system enables natural human interaction by engaging in high-quality, real-time visual communications. Face-to-face. The whole-in-one, intelligent video contact center system manages and controls the real-time video communications automatically. Many man-years have been invested in the development . AVICCSTM automatically manages video-communications, audio and data on private networks (for instance 2D and 3D Kiosks) and also on the Internet, interacting with users at home. This results in -what is today probably the most advanced, readily useable video contact center system.

All the details in this download


Compatible with almost 2 billion users.