There are different ways to register and to pre-register Guests.


In case the Guests has not been pre-registered, the Guests can register on-the-fly entering their name and selecting the contact person from a drop-down list. Once this registration is completed, the host will be notified via email and SMS.


Optionally the Teleportel registration system offers the ability to pre-register the Guest by sending an email or by using the Teleportel cloud application.

To pre-register by email, simply include this email address in your email invitation. If the Guest has an email address which is not affiliated with your organisation, he / she will receive an invitation email containing all relevant general meeting details (parking, public transport, entrance details, etc..) and an individual QR code.

Secondly, a Guest can be pre-registered using a dedicated, secured Teleportel link. The host enters a few details (own email address, Guest email address, language of the Guest, optionally the Subject of the Meeting).The Guest will receive an email with all relevant meeting details in his / her language.

In both cases, the content of the email sent to the Guest, may be different, based upon the type of Guest. As an example, Guests working for the same company as the person who sends the invitation, may receive a different message than the mail sent to Guests who have never visited the premises before. Or employees working at a specific location may be treated differently in terms of email content (for instance, to avoid sending emails with details and QR codes to employees working in the very building where the host resides). To allow the latter feature, a list of individual email addresses will be required for validation purposes. There are secure ways to achieve this transfer of personal data (GDPR).

In the email invitation received by the Guest, is a QR code, to be scanned by the Guest at the kiosk, at time of arrival. The kiosk will recognize and welcome the Guest and provide instructions on what to do next. The host will be notified by email and / or by SMS.

Upon departure, the QR is to be scanned at the kiosk 'to sign out'. This will ensure an accurate 'fire-list' (i.e. who is currently in the building).